Saturday, October 31, 2015

Falling and Flying

I write a lot about falling and failing.  And the reason I do is that the only way we can learn in most cases is to learn from our failures.  Thus our journey continues.

I’m becoming a fan of Neil Gaiman.  He says this in The Sandman, Vol. 6:  Fables and Reflections

“Sometimes you wake up.  Sometimes the fall kills you.  And sometimes, when you fall you fly.”

Let us focus on the falling and flying part today.

Did you know the post-it-note was a failure in attempting to discover a new glue formula for envelopes?  And the world is now covered in these handy pieces of paper.

The ice cream cone was invented when a waffle guy ran out of paper plates at the 1904 World’s Fair.  What a failure, yet what an invention.

Babe Ruth was the strike-out king.  He was also a home-run king.

Your mistakes do not define who you are.

I dropped my drum sticks the first time I carried a snare drum in marching band.  I am still considered a pretty good and steady drummer.

Learning happens after a fall.

Flying happens after a fall.

Be encouraged!

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