Wednesday, April 27, 2016

What Imagination Needs

Imagination and creativity are sisters at heart.  They are both elusive, sometimes scarce entities and creative types are constantly in pursuit.  So how do we attract imagination?  I am a writer and creator and I constantly seek that.

I think sometimes imagination and creativity can go stale.  Speaking for myself I sometimes wonder if I’ll ever think another creative thought again.  Here is what I know thus far.

Imagination needs noodling - 
long, inefficient, happy idling, 
dawdling and puttering."
~Brenda Ueland

I can relate to this.  Can you? 

Some of my best ideas that make it into print are thoughts, single words, phrases from a longer sentence that come to my mind while doing other things.  I’m a reader, and I read for content and ideas.  And sometimes that well goes dry too.  Perhaps it is the state of mind in which I find myself

I do know that when I detach my brain from the task at hand and noodle, as Brenda says, suddenly an idea will squeeze into view.  Sometimes it is so subtle that I must quickly capture it or it flees and may never come again.  Thus the ever-present Moleskin notebook that hides in my pocket 

So, the gist of this – imagination sometimes needs a break.  It needs to chase butterflies and rainbows, and along the way, voilĂ , an idea comes forth that holds a moment of freshness and perhaps brilliance.

Give your imagination a rest. 

P Michael Biggs
Words of Encouragement
Words of Inspiration

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Do This and Be Successful

It seems the world has gone mad in search of success and easy street.  What if I laid it out for you in simple words?  Would you listen and buy into this philosophy?

Okay, here it is.

Neil Gaiman gives us this gem. 
"I hope that in this year to come 
you make mistakes.  
Because if you are making 
mistakes ... you're doing something."

I love the idea of “because if you are making mistakes … you are doing something.”

God only knows all the mistakes I’ve made in my life, and I’m still living and breathing.  You too.

Wanna do something incredibly great?  Make a bunch of mistakes on the way to great.

P Michael Biggs
Words of Encouragement
Words of Inspiration

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Learn By Doing

(This is a post dealing with skill development, whether you are a musician, sports participant, business owner or budding artist.  The logo implies music, yet these ideas are transferable to all endeavors.  Thanks for reading.)

I learned to drum by drumming.

I have learned to write by writing. 

I have learned math by doing my times tables and long division and all other math skills.

The point – we learn as we do.  Sure, I’ve had teachers, private lessons, and tutors along the way, but for me, real learning came mostly from doing the task or skill at hand.

Want to play Moonlight Sonata?  Do it.  Practice it.  Revisit those hard and awkward passages.

Want to be a better golfer?  Practice that swing.  Putt those thousands of balls.  Study greens until you dream about them.

We learn by doing.

Forever and always.

Michael Biggs
Steps and Skips
Tips for the Developing Soul