I’m in the Second Act of Life
I once was a pretty decent singer. I could hit high A’s, and low D’s. That is no longer the case.
I’ve directed some very fine orchestras and choirs. And now, others have that privilege.
I used to play a good game of baseball and softball. I don’t move as swiftly now as I did then.
I guess I’m in the second act of life, and it’s a good act. Stay tuned.
I’ve found my niche in this Second Act. I’m an official blogger and podcaster. It suites me very well. I move at my own pace, I settle in and go where my thoughts take me, and I’m having a good second act.
And I’m experimenting in the kitchen and finding new foods and combinations and tasty treats to fix and eat for Carolyn and I.
I think this is pretty good way to close the curtain on my life. I love what I’m doing. And I can do this for another bunch of years, or so my cardiologist says. He says he can give me another twenty years.
Wow. A second act that lasts twenty years. Look out world. I’m only getting started good.
Thoughts for Improving
Whatever Needs Improving!
P Michael Biggs
Hope ~Encouragement~ Inspiration