A Few Good Words about Your Future
This blog site is focused on helping all of us grow and improve our craft, whatever that craft might be. I envision artists, writers, architects, company presidents, marketing gurus, sales professionals, musicians, business owners of all strips and interests, and a whole lot more growth-minded types are reading this blog.
With that in mind, let’s talk about our futures. Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich once wrote this:
Your future is what you make of it.
The key word in that quote is YOU! You are the vital ingredient in any pursuit to which you set your hand. If you really lock onto that idea you can start seeing significant growth and improvement in your endeavors.
I had no idea ten years ago that I would have six blog sites and could contribute to each one weekly, and yet, it is so. I wasn’t even sure I could sustain one site. All I knew was that I wanted to write and so I began. I’ve made a niche for myself with these posts, for each site has a definite focus and audience in mind. I’m doing my best to make something of my future.
The huge question is … what are you making of your goals and dreams and ambitions?
Nobody, NOBODY can answer that for you.
I’m 71 and I’m still dreaming of writing the blog heard round the world. You are never too old, nor too far gone to go after your dreams.
Thoughts for Improving
Whatever Needs Improving!
P Michael Biggs
Hope ~Encouragement~ Inspiration