Saturday, June 29, 2019

Routines Work - An Improvement Principle

Routines Work – An Improvement Principle
June 29, 2019

Are you working toward a better you, an improved skill, building a business?  Check your routines.  What are you habits?  What is your time schedule and how important is it that you stick to your schedule?

Routines work.  Commitment to habits and schedules is important. 

As a musician, your practice regime matters.  The warm-up works when applied consistently. 

As a writer, my best writing time is early morning when it is quiet.  I love having the sun rise over my right shoulder as I put thoughts on this computer screen.

Honor what works best for you and stick to it.

Thoughts for Improving
Whatever Needs Improving!

P Michael Biggs
Hope ~Encouragement~ Inspiration

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Practice Alone Time Thought Reflection

Practice, Alone Time, 
Thought, Reflection

Are these your friends, or are they your dreaded enemy?

In our pursuits toward getting better, we either befriend these four elements or …

It’s an attitude kind of thing.  We embrace what helps us along in life.  Even hardships play a role in our betterment.  Failure is the best teacher, if we use it wisely.

Thoughts for Improving
Whatever Needs Improving!

P Michael Biggs
Hope ~Encouragement~ Inspiration

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Courage Is an Important Ingredient in Growth

Courage Is an Important Ingredient in Growth

To declare a direction, a goal or dream takes courage.  It speaks of setting our minds on a desire and purpose.  That takes guts -  you know – courage

We tell the world, “I’m going to do a thing”, or “I am such-n-such.” 

And along with that act of commitment, we forsake other pursuits.  We devote time and attention, thoughts and ideas.  We abandon “other gods” in order to pursue our one chief aim. 

That takes courage.  I know this for I have proclaimed that I am a writer.  I devote time and attention to this craft by writing and reading, mulling and contemplating writing ideas.  That means I spend less time watching TV and other less worthy pursuits.

So, to all of us who have a worthy ambition …

Good Courage to you all!

Thoughts for Improving
Whatever Needs Improving!

P Michael Biggs
Hope ~Encouragement~ Inspiration