Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Power of the Pause

(This is a post dealing with skill development, whether you are a musician, sports participant, business owner or budding artist.  The logo implies music, yet these ideas are transferable to all endeavors.  Thanks for reading.)

What do you know and understand about the power of the pause?
The heart pauses between every beat.

God rested on the 7th day.

Every person needs some amount of sleep every night in order to perform at our best.

My brain needs a break after a writing session of a few hours.  I need to recharge.

My bottom needs a pause from sitting too long on the same hard surface. 

We occasionally need the power of the pause.

Music has rests to give spice and interest to the score.

My feet need the pause after a long day of walking around a new city sight-seeing.

You need to take advantage of the pause called a ‘break’ in your work day.  You could rejuvenate your whole body if done appropriately and consistently.

Kids need their recess time at school

Our ears need a break after listening to very loud music for extreme periods of time.

Are you convinced yet?

We need the Power of the Pause.

Michael Biggs
Steps and Skips
Tips for the Developing Soul

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