Sunday, December 23, 2018

A Year-End Greeting

Greetings my dear Readers. 

New posts will resume here in January 2019.  

Wishing you a wonderfully Merry Christmas
and a marvelous New Year. 

P Michael Biggs

Monday, December 17, 2018

The Stories We Tell

The Stories We Tell

We tell ourselves stories as we move through life.  And as we grow and expand our skill base, we fashion those stories to justify why or why not.

~I’m not a super drummer today because I’m …
~I didn’t build that building as a showpiece because …
~I can’t practice every day, for an hour.  Are you crazy?  I’m busy.
~I can’t sing like Celine.  She’s pretty, and famous, and has life easy.  I’m never going to make it.

Oh my, I could make up stories for every one of those scenarios above.  You could too.  Do you see the power of story-telling and how it affects up?

Did you know you can change your story?  You can rewrite it, edit it, make it into any story you want, because you are the storyteller. 

Ah … and what will you tell us next?

Thoughts for Improving
Whatever Needs Improving!

P Michael Biggs
Words of Encouragement
Words of Inspiration

Sunday, December 9, 2018

What Have You Tried Lately?

What Have You Tried Lately?

I have eight grandkids and a wife who is an
accomplished pianist.  At some point in their lives, they have all taken lessons from Carolyn.  Two, maybe three, are showing real promise at this point. 

Another grand boy shows great interest in the trumpet.  He has survived four or more years of grade school band, and every time he is at our house, he sits down at the piano and I hear him plunking out tunes and rich chords.  He’s trying his hand.

I’ve tried my hand at a lot of stuff: golf, football, baseball, basketball, sales, ukulele, marketing, singing, conducting, arranging music and writing. 

Thus far, music and writing have risen to the top as my dominant skills of interest and longevity.

Experimentation is a good thing in the early days.  You never know unless you try.  Sooner or later, you’ll find your niche.  And this applies to medicine, design and building buildings, teaching, research and a thousand other career pursuits. 

We first try our hand.  That’s the starting platform.

Thoughts for Improving
Whatever Needs Improving!

P Michael Biggs
Words of Encouragement
Words of Inspiration

Monday, December 3, 2018

You Were Born an Original

 You Were Born an Original

Focus on this picture for a moment and consider its truths.

Never, in all the world, has there been another you.  No one, not even one other person thinks like you, looks like you, has your DNA, has your fingerprints, or voice pattern.  No one else can create exactly like you.

So, in whatever pursuit you pursue, whether it’s building buildings, making music, writing blogs or books, singing, becoming a doctor, or teaching school, you will do it differently from the student at the desk next to you, or the surgeon in the operating room next to you.

Celebrate your originality, your insights, your brand of uniqueness. 


Thoughts for Improving
Whatever Needs Improving!

P Michael Biggs
Words of Encouragement
Words of Inspiration